This is a terrific responsibility. Is anyone competent to take it on? No - but at least we don't take God's Word, water it down, and then take it to the streets to sell it cheap. We stand in Christ's presence when we speak; God looks us in the face. We get what we say straight from God and say it as honestly as we can."
It's kinda funny how when I read the Bible it actually speaks to me right exactly where I'm livin'. (The above passage is from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.)
Paul was this preacher who understood that not everyone wanted to hear what he had to say. Sure, to some people it was this "sweet aroma", but to others... it just stunk. It seems that no matter how they took it, he was trying to make it clear that his heart was to simply be "sincere". He truly felt as though he were speaking to these folks in Corinth "on behalf of God".
Wow. That is a "terrific responsibility". Is there anyone competent to take it on?
To truly "get" why Paul is talking like this, we have to understand that he had already written a previous letter to these people. We call it "FIRST Corinthians". To be honest,... It's a bit of butt-chewing, if you know what I mean. What I mean is that he came down pretty hard on them for some of the stuff that was taking place (and some that wasn't) in their community. He is not stupid,... he knows that many of these listeners didn't dig what he had said,... even though he doesn't back down on the fact that it was God's words he was sincerely speaking.
I love that he admits that "no one is competent to take on this terrific responsibility", however at the same time he also radically says, "at least we didn't take God's Word, water it down, and then take it to the streets to sell it cheap". Wow... what a statement!
What if all preachers could admit that?
Truthfully,... can I? Hmmmmmm.... (selah)
The truth is that:
- God always speaks truth.
- God is the 'truth'.
- Sometimes the truth hurts.
- We must speak as Paul spoke in this letter and with his bold attitude: "We stand in Christ's presence when we speak; God looks us in the face. We get what we say straight from God and say it as honestly as we can."
"Dear Father, help me care more about what YOU think than what anyone else thinks. Fill me with boldness and let the aroma that comes from me, whether others love it or not, rise to wherever You are and be a 'sweet scent' to You. May I be 'sincere' and speak as 'honestly as I can' at all times. Forgive me when I've been anything less than 'sincere' and 'honest'. I love you 5. Amen."