Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Do They Know How Much You Care?

There are really only a few web-sites that I frequent on a regular basis. Most of them have to do with study helps in my preparation of messages. There is one, however, that I am completely hooked on and visit each and every week: Post Secret. PostSecret is an ongoing community mail art project, created by Frank Warren, in which people mail their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. Select secrets are then posted on the PostSecret website, or used for PostSecret's books or museum exhibits. Its simply an opportunity that allows folks to write their most intimate secrets on a postcard. These 'secrets' have over 349 million viewers worldwide! I've been a welcomed voyeur of these secrets for over three years now. I own one of the books and I've even traveled to their events when they've been in driving distance (150 miles). I guess I'm a fan.

WARNING: Some of the content is extremely sexual in nature. Remember, these are people's inner-most secrets that they're revealing and, although there is 'Christian' stuff oftentimes represented on the site, it does not sell itself as a 'Christian' endeavor.

One might ask why a Christian, let alone a 'pastor', would visit such a site? The above sample is why? I feel as though this 'art project' allows me a glimpse into the hearts and minds of everyday, ordinary people. You see, you may not believe this, but the truth is; Some people aren't real truthful with others. Masks are something worn by countless folks... and not only on Halloween. The reason for these masks is because we all feel, to some extent, that if the truth were known about us... we'd be 'unlovely'.

Those in Christian leadership positions are especially aware of this, I believe. If I'm sitting on an airplane having a pleasant conversation with the person seated next to me, the question inevitably comes up: "What do you do for a living?" If and when I answer, "I'm a pastor", the conversation immediately shifts. Many times the person becomes very uneasy. They begin apologizing for any 'foul' language they might have used up to that point, and they often shut the communication down, or worse, they begin to talk in a phony-bologna Christian-ese (lots of 'praise the Lords' and 'amens').

God has called me to love Him first... and then love others. To do this, I think I have to 'know' them... I have to have some sort of 'relationship' with them... I have to 'earn the right' to perhaps speak into them and show Jesus to them. It's my belief that for far too long Christians, and especially preachers, have stood in our lofty places and preached the truth to folks, without truly knowing them at all... or knowing what their unique hurts, wounds, and life has been like up to that point. What if we could actually get a TRUTHFUL glimpse into their minds? Would that help?

Of course it would.

Loving others can seem pretty vague, however, God gives us an awesome example in exactly how to do this. You see, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, "All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us" (The Message Translation).

My translation: "God is totally compassionate and comforting to us, not so we'll be comfortbale, but so we'll go out and comfort others".

What is one of the main reasons we're drawn to God? Isn't it because He is a compassionate Father? But how well do we really understand compassion? We define God's compassion as guarding us from all trouble, but Scripture defines it as God's drawing near to us during trouble. If we respond to our trials by running toward God, we learn that He is always there and some how, some way supernaturally strengthens us and sustains us in difficult times.

Likewise, this verse says that the Lord is the "God of all healing counsel", Who "comes alongside us when we go through hard times". The original Greek wording here suggests that He comes alongside us to strengthen us, to be our advocate in the midst of trial. God does not shield us from all trouble, but draws near to us through trouble, so that we learn to depend more fully upon Him. Then we're able to comfort others with God's kind of comfort, not by trying to smooth over their pain, but by doing what God does: drawing alongside, staying close, and listening carefully.

How do we come alongside people who are hurting, wounded, bound up with all kinds of sin and struggles... if we don't take the time to truly listen and 'know' them?

Read the above postcard secret again. Isn't that what this priest did?

What if the old saying is true, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care"?

Friday, July 9, 2010

HAITI is such a strong word

Recently, I was reading an awesome story of a woman missionary/doctor in Haiti. In her powerful story she describes a young 16 year old boy, on the other side of a chain-link fence, trying to get all the American ladies' attention. One of the doctors, Dr. Jen. had been refusing his advances to take a love note from him, but this woman decided to take the note. Here's the story in her words:

"Angelina..." he called suddenly, in my direction. I was cynically flattered. I chose not to be, in any way, overtly peeved by his insultingly conniving, wishywashy, two-timing, less than monogamous intentions. I was impressed by the bold sixteen-year-old confidence that allowed him to turn his attention to me...despite the fact that I had just witnessed his impassioned, enamoured plea to the woman two feet to my left. He'd remembered my pseudonym-- Angelina Jolie; that scored him a few points. And, yes, perhaps lost a few points for the absence of subtlety and sincerity. But still, his score was in the black.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled sweetly now in my direction, imploringly, impassioned. He again tried to push the rolled up piece of paper through the mesh. This time, in my direction.

I raised a cynical eyebrow in return.

"For me?" I asked, with a smirk. Then, flatly, "I'm honored."
"Angelina...." he whispered. "I love you."

I laughed at him. He shoved the piece of paper further through the mesh, wiggling it slightly, urging me to take it. Finally, I grabbed it, and held it like a contaminated cigarette.

"For me?" I asked, amused. He nodded earnestly, eagerly. I turned to Dr. Jen. "See, now it's mine. Too bad for you."

I unrolled the paper with an air of sarcastic dubiousness, but as I read, I was taken aback. This was no quickly scribbled love note. This was, in fact, a manifesto. Not a spontaneous appeal. Not a childlike whim. No, this was, in that moment, an entrancing literary wonder. A blue inked seduction. Obviously planned for quite some time...with no particular audience in mind. Cleverly entitled, "Cherie..." (translation: "My dear...") to enable it to be shared with no particular woman...or, as in this case, passed around, until some poor sucker finally bit. I imagined this young man sitting intently with a Creole-to-English dictionary, a ball point pen and small notebook on his lap in his darkened cinderblock room in the slums, spending hours carefully penning this note. When had he written this? What had been his plan? How long had he had it, rolled up in his pocket. And, at exactly what point had he said, "I will write a love note in English, and hand it to every English speaking woman I meet, until, at some point, I succeed in my quest."

I read the note and smiled, definitely impressed. "That's great," I said. "That's really great." I attempted to hand the note back.

"No," he said, refusing its return. He gestured for me to keep it. "I love you," he said, in English.

"No," I replied, amused, trying to push it back through the mesh. "You don't love me."

He grinned, refusing to take it. I smiled, still gripping the end of the rolled up note.

"Well, okay," I said, and stuck the paper into my shirt pocket. "Merci. I'll keep this."

I smiled to myself, then turned back to my dressing change. He smiled back, completely insincere in his flirtatious, boyish grin. But sweet. And endearing. And completely non-threatening. An A+ for effort. A hilarious, sweet, amusing memory. Of innocence. And youth. Of boyish courageous charm. And love. And hope. And the wonder that it represents -- that this neighborhood is healing. That thoughts are turning, from sadness and devastation and loss, to flirtatious moments of happiness. Healing.

I suspiciously wonder how many copies of this scroll he carries, and in how many languages. But, for today, on our last day in this slum, it is a symbol for me of something sweet and innocent and kind and beautiful and welcoming that is the people of (Haiti) Cite Soleil. Our people. Our patients. This community of challenged, impoverished yet not poor, strong, driven survivors.

So, here's to all you potential suitors out there. Take note...of how you might effectively court a woman... if you're trying get a woman's attention, and get her to pause and take's how it's done:

"Cheri, Darling. You thrilling me. You give me goose bumps. You're driving me crazy. I fall in love you. I'm boun to love you. You really I need. I want to be with you. I want to be you sweet. Call you beautiful. I've a place deep on my heart for you. I think with you everitime you always on my mind baby. When I look at you I see the sun shining on your face. Please don't make me suffer. Im head over heel since I met you."

This blog, which can be found here, really touched me.

I've been to Haiti three times. I've adopted two girls from Haiti. I love Haiti. Now that the "earthquake" is "yesterday's news"... it's easy for Haiti to slip our minds. May we all remember that there are still millions of people who need to be loved... practically - not only in Haiti, but all over this world.

May you and I be known for our sincere love for God... absolutely. But may we also be known for our deep love for others.

Today... LOVE.

When I look at you, I see the sun shining on your face.
I'm boun' to love you.
I've a place deep on my heart for you