Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What word is OUR word?

When folks think of our church, what is the word that pops into their minds? I mean, something must come to mind, what is it? I'd love to hear the one word that pops into the minds of those reading this blog when they think of Desperation Church.

I've heard churches described in several different ways. Whenever their name comes up in a conversation, there is usually some specific quality that is quickly attributed to them. Here are some suggestions:

Some churches are known as worship churches. More than anything, they want to connect people to the heart of God through passionate corporate singing and other creative ministries. Often these churches devote a significant amount of time to this and don't really feel compelled to share a message if it might get in the way of what they sense is going down during their worship time.

Some churches are known for being super evangelistic. Due to their preaching ministries and programming, they're known for challenging people to make an immediate decision for Christ. Many times the weekend sermons feature an altar call and midweek visitor follow-ups. They're known for their evangelistic fervor.

Some churches are identified as doctrinal churches. They're serious about regularly and systematically equipping their attendees in the foundational elements of faith and usually their particular denomination's distinctives. Doctrinal understanding and conformity is pretty important to these folks, and as a result, this is often how they're perceived in the community.

Some churches are known for how they serve. They feel it's their responsibility to BE 'salt and light" by meeting the material needs of those around them. These churches are known especially for their work among the poor and the disconnected of society.

Some churches are known as a place that helps people recover from life's disappointments, challenges, and sorrows. They spend an enormous amount of energy and time dedicated to this end. From their weekly sermons to their recovery/small groups, they focus their efforts on healing people's emotional and spiritual wounds. People that have been wounded and are in pain usually find a helpful home in this type church.

Now, a church may be known by one of these descriptions, or none of these descriptions, or even ALL of these descriptions. But what exactly is it BEST known for in their communities?

What is Desperation Church best known for? What is our word?


  1. Weird.

    Lol - just teasing. sort of.

    I actually think I would say "real" is our word, as in authentic. There is just something about DC that makes me feel like I don't have to put on a mask and act like I'm this perfect little Christian who says and does all the right things. People are just who they are and that's okay (tattoos, mohawks, past hurts, etc.). I've never felt more safe in a church.

    Or maybe our word is "Love" because I don't think people could be or feel authentic if they didn't feel like they would be loved even if they are messed up underneath that mask.

    And isn't that what Jesus is all about? Loving us even when our masks are off. I love the way DC reflects Jesus :)

    That was a really long response for one word. Sorry!

  2. I love that Ashleigh!

    Both of those words ('real', and 'love) are characteristics that I think we strive for.

    I was thinking "relational"... but I like your words better. Thanks for responding!

  3. The first word that comes to mind is "different" in a good way. It's not just church as usual. "Service" is also a big one - striving to meet the needs of those we encounter and the needs we know about. Lastly "Biblical" - no matter what we do you're always pointing us back to scripture and what the Bible says as the reason for what we do and who we are. That's big.

  4. Perhaps "Biblical" pretty much sums up everything we're supposed to be?

  5. The first word that comes to my mind is "Jesus". When God lead us to DC, I had been down many other paths looking for spiritual fulfillment. I was on a desperate pursuit to find Jesus in all the junk of "religion" and "church". I found Him at DC. I experienced His love, forgiveness, and mercy for the first time. That may sound like a strong word to describe a church, but that's how I feel. That we are striving to live like Jesus and show Him unpolluted to not only our members but our community.

  6. "Jesus". When God lead us to DC, I was in a desperate search for Jesus in the junk of religion and church. I found Him at DC. I know its a strong word to describe a church, but isn't that what we are striving to do? To show Jesus unpolluted to the world. His love, mercy, and forgiveness. That's what DC is to me. The place I met Jesus.

  7. Wow Heather. "To show Jesus unpolluted to the world. His love, mercy, and forgiveness."

    I'm gonna be chewing on that line for a long time. Thanks for writing. Awesome stuff!!!

  8. I think of 2: Bold & Humble. I think DC is all the things described above, and also these two. I think Bold first because DC and the people there are really "out there" in more ways than one. First, like mentioned above, people at DC are not afraid to be themselves. Second, DC is so different and I would say "futuristic" with the way they do things. There are so many different things going on at DC and I know there are more to come! Humble was my immediate second thought because most of the time I feel Bold is quickly related to "stuck up" or "full of themselves", and that is the complete opposite here. No matter how bold some people are at DC, they have this amazing humbleness about them that seems to spread through the entire church! No matter what Bold things are taking place at DC, they are doing so humbly.
    Laura C

  9. Thanks Laura. 'Bold', 'Humble', and 'Futuristic'... what a neat way to describe the goings on at DC. I appreciate your time and comments. To boldly go where no man has gone before, in a humble manner, is sorta what Jesus did. Right? =)

  10. "The New Early Church" - that's exactly how I see DC. Radically sure of our Lord's resurrection, pure hearts, aware of our brokeness, but desperately chasing Jesus as we strive to survive in an increasingly wicked world. No big productions - first of all we can't afford them, but secondly and most important, WE DON'T NEED PRODUCTIONS - our church is FULL of the Holy Spirit! We sing, cry and laugh together, and are always blessed with His presence.

    Yep. DC looks very much like the Early Church. And what a blessing to be involved! A little scary, but VERY EXCITING TIMES!!

  11. "Organic". I'd pick that word because I think DC is, increasingly, getting "grown" from the bottom up by the people instead of the top (a denomination) down.

  12. Desperation Church - "Where freak is a family value"


What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts?