Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Hairy Situation

I have this good friend, his dad has cancer.

If you've ever had somebody close to you wrestle with a sickness that brings with it the fear of death, you understand what he's been dealing with. I have. I can tell you that God was there in those moments, but it was still one of the toughest seasons of my life.

One of the things that can happen in those seasons is an overwhelming desire to "Do Something". Deep down might be a realization that nothing we do will actually help, but that feeling of total powerlessness can lead to subterranean depths of despair. So we try.

Sometimes, all we can do is try.

My friend’s dad has colon cancer. I love my friend. I don’t really know his dad all that well… but I love my friend. That love makes me want to do something too.

My friend has courageously chosen to act. Interestingly, he’s chosen to shave his head in order to raise funds. The monies will go towards Hope Lodge, a Kansas City refuge for the families of cancer victims needing a place to stay while their loved ones receive treatment. Its part of the American Cancer Society… and it’s a worthy cause to be sure.

Shaving his head is simply a gimmick… it’s just my friend’s way of doing… something.

I’m joining my friend’s cause. I won’t be shaving my head (I really don’t have much more I could shave), but I will be doing my best to help him raise funds. Could you possibly throw a few dollars towards his cause? It’s as simple as clicking here: I CAN DO SOMETHING

ANYTHING will help, and with the technology available, it really couldn't be easier.

My friend, Bil Brown, has been growing his hair out for a year. In a few short weeks he’ll be sitting on a stage and his father will be shaving his head. It promises to be a special moment for them both. I want to be a part of that.

Thanks. Cancer sucks, but God conquers.

And Jesus loves you.

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