Monday, February 6, 2012

God's Thoughts

This week I came upon a couple of things I wanted to share. First, is the above postcard from PostSecret - It speaks for itself.

Second, is an interesting blog I found that apparently has been written by God, Himself. He's writing about pastors, so it sorta caught my attention. Enjoy some of God's thoughts on some pretty important stuff:

"I want to talk about something that I watch all the time and get frustrated with. It happens every Sunday. Multitudes of people go to what they call "church".
(That is actually another frustration: that people call the place they attend "the church". For the most part, it just isn't.)

But when they get there, some of My most loyal kids (as well as some kids who don't have a clue about Me) stand up in front of their audience as pastor/priest/speaker/bishop/leader, and they talk.

They talk about good stuff and true stuff, but for the most part it is stuff that means absolutely nothing to the people listening. (I'm not talking here about those wild-eyed, stomping, yelling, self-glorifying bigots who get on TV and wear their thousand-dollar suits and make the rest of the world scoff at the folks who humbly represent Me. That's another blog for another day). For this blog I AM just referring to the boring folks who lead their people down the road of mediocrity.

And a lot of them use this weird voice. They don't even sound like themselves. They have a different tone and attitude and mannerisms. It's like they're bad actors on a stage.
(I made them; I know what they're supposed to sound like.)

I wish they'd be more authentically who I made them to be... that they'd be real and that the ones who aren't gifted to speak effectively and honestly enough to engage their audience would just sit down and let someone who can accurately represent Me teach their people.

It's embarrassing (you didn't know I could be embarrassed did you?)when churches and people and the media represent Me so poorly so often.

When My Son was on earth, He said these words: "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

If people are asleep or bored or tuned out in an audience on a Sunday, that isn't life abundant.
I AM joy
and life
and excitement
and emotion
and dance
and laughter
and relationship
and love
and imagination
and awe
and wonder
and drama.
I AM wild
and wonderful
and dangerous
and big
and hearty
and disturbing
and exhilarating
and My character and My truth set people free
from boredom
and sameness
and emptiness
and monotony
and tedium
and confusion!

I AM weary of people not knowing that about Me.

I AM sad watching people who are searching for an abundant life step into boring buildings
(buildings with MY NAME ON THEM!),
hearing outdated music and listening to irrelevant
messages that misrepresent Me in a thousand ways.

I would rather those folks go to the lake where they might get a better taste of who I AM.

Now that I have ranted a bit (which a God has a right to do - another one of the perks) I will say it is good that people are changing and some of you are getting it, and making things different. It is a delight to Me.

But for the rest of you, I'll paraphrase what a film director once said:
"Come on, people, I love ya,
but ya gotta work with Me here."

Thanks Lanny Donoho for an incredible reminder.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Michael-

    Thank you for posting this. There are a lot of good truths in there. I pray that DC becomes even better at being "real" and soaking up the presence of Jesus every time we meet together.

    Thanks for being such an awesome Pastor. We appreciate all you do for our community!

    Nathan Smith


What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts?