Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Nerve to Serve

I'm not sure who exactly reads this little blog. Only few comment, which is normal for blog-readers, I'm told. Actually, I read a few blogs myself, and rarely comment. So... there ya have it.

Anyways... if you read this blog, and do NOT attend Desperation Church in Liberty, Missouri - the following will seem as tho it's not for you, however, I'd REALLY appreciate your input as well. If you simply click 'COMMENT' below, and then sign in as 'ANONYMOUS' your comment will be much appreciated.

Here we go:

For almost three years our church has dedicated the fourth weekend's services to leaving the walls of our building and going out into our community to practically show the love of God. We call these weekends: DC-W.O.W. (Desperation Church With Out Walls). These weekends have included service projects that vary from giving away groceries to cleaning up our town's 'square' after the Fall Festival, from raking leaves to providing a relaxing meal for the parents of 'special needs' children, from giving baby clothes to young mothers to yard-work at local nursing homes. We've done all this and so much more.

I felt that God gave me a vision for this unique way of reaching out. It was almost as if I felt it as a 'mandate'... like something I 'had' to do. It hasn't been easy. Some, initially, hated this idea and didn't understand why we had to do this during regular church hours. Others never gave it a chance and immediately left our fellowship. Many did, however, grasp the vision and have been faithful to serve and do their best to make a "loud noise for Jesus" in our small community. Over the past three years, numbers have dwindled. Some times we have less than 100 people show up for a DC-W.O.W. weekend. Actually,... our numbers overall at Desperation Church have dwindled, but that might be due to a number of other reasons. I still feel that this was a vision that God gave me for our church. Something inside of me tells me to never judge the success of something based on 'numbers' or on if it makes 'men' happy.

Galations 1:10 - "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Some things are going to change at Desperation Church.

Jon Petersen has been the pastor on staff that oversees DC-W.O.W. He has done a marvelous job! However, it was never his vision. It was mine. Hiring someone else to oversee and orchestrate a vision that God has given me, may not have been something I was supposed to do. Again, Jon has done an outstanding job. He has been more than faithful to doing all that has been asked of him. However, when we find ourselves working on something that is not what God has called 'us' to do, it can often lead to burn-out and discouragement (especially when numbers of volunteers begin to dwindle). Jon's heart has always been for youth and young adults. He came to Desperation Church with over 15 years of experience ministering to young people. In a sense, this is what makes his heart beat fast, what he enjoys, what he is called to do. So... he'll be stepping into more of a youth minister's role. Along with his responsibilities of overseeing small groups and other ministries at DC, Jon will now lead the many wonderful volunteers we have in ministering to the numerous young people that attend our church. I am so excited about this, as a pastor and as a parent of teens!

This all means that my job description is going to change as well. I will now be the DC-W.O.W. Director. Along with planning and preparing weekly messages for the folks that attend our weekend services, I will be overseeing this monthly outreach ministry that has been birthed within my heart. I'm excited... and a bit nervous. "Can I adequately feed those that come to be spiritually fed on the weekends, AND organize and administrate a major monthly outreach?"

Please pray.

Besides your prayers, here's where I NEED you (If there is anyone still reading at this point). I need your ideas. I want our community to look at our church and see Jesus! I want them to see that we are not all a bunch of selfish, self-absorbed, money-grubbing know-it-alls, but rather, imperfect people endeavoring to love God whole-heartedly while loving those outside our walls radically! Even if you don't attend DC, I'd love to have you give some suggestions. It really is a difficult thing to pull off monthly, when we don't have much in the way of resources, but what if we could truly point our community to the living Jesus by showing them He's alive in us and loving them through us?

I'll be asking certain ones to help me with putting your ideas into action, but I must have your ideas. You live in this area. You know folks that need to see Jesus. What are some ways the 'church' could help this happen... in a practical way?

Here's 5 things to keep in mind when thinking about ideas for DC-W.O.W.:
  1. Would this outreach meet a real need in our community?
  2. Would this outreach promote unity within our church & without it?
  3. Would this outreach involve all ages and abilities? If not, then what will we do with children and those who are unable to physically be involved?
  4. How much would this outreach cost?
  5. Would this outreach be something that hundreds of volunteers could be involved in?
Now, it's your turn... I can't wait to hear from you. Thank you so much!


  1. I am excited about this change. I think both Jon and Michael are going to rock the house in these new roles.

    We have the talent. We have the resources. We even have the technology. So, let's all get behind these leaders and show our community that we mean it when we say, "Love God, love others".

  2. Pastor Michael. Though I no longer attend DC nor do I live in Liberty any longer, I know that when G-d speaks to you and asks you to do something, it is real, sincere and when you are in tune with Him, it will accomplish what G-d has planned. I am sorry to hear of the "numbers" and other issues that can bring frustration. Dealing with that has been a area of my life that needs more work (doing what G-d has shown me instead of running the other direction because it may be too hard in my opinion). I pray that the DC-WoW will be a blessing and a point of ministry for years to come. I always enjoy hearing about what is going on. Keep up the good work. I do miss DC. Wish you could up and transplant yourselves in Olathe, Kansas. (big grin).

    Much Love from our family.

    Christopher & Rachel Harris
    Andrew & Thomas Harris
    Saige, Taelor, Jade & Leif Dixon

  3. I am so happy that Jon is going to be overseeing the youth!! we really need it and he is definitely gifted in this area!

  4. I've often wondered about seeing what can be done for other churches in the area. Is that a community need?

  5. My idea is not specific although I will come up with some specifics for you later. It’s just what you seem to already be doing. Reach out and find out the gifting and passions of DC. Plus don’t limit the number of gifts and passions that God has placed in DC. If someone has a God given passion for the elderly and they will head up a group then go help the elderly and send with them any who will go. Then call the one leader and however many helpers a success. Consider that whatever passion and gifts God has placed at DC to be what God has called us to tackle. So many times I think we do things backwards. We try to find a project then expect everyone to get excited about something that God has not even given them a passion for. We all should have a passion and a purpose. Discovering those passions in DC is the trick. Many times the people in the pews don’t even know what their passion is so that is also part of the equation. I say don’t look for one shot wonders, things we do once and never again. When you find a God given passion that God has placed in the pews, plan on doing that semi-regularly. Our special needs night rocked me and I can’t imagine a greater thing a church could do than show compassion to those kids and to give relief and support to their families. If we start with the passions of DC and do small, semi-regular outreaches built around those passions, then it will grow the W.O.W ministry. We will look up at the end of the year and have many different people doing many different things, all with a passion and purpose that will be from God and for His glory. We can’t look for projects that 700 people will be passionate about because we are a church full of different passions. So we start all over, finding out what the passions are and then building the projects around the passions. Then we do those projects that we come up with a lot more regularly than once a year. A W.O.W weekend a year from now could have 700 people going 2 by 2 into Liberty and the surrounding area.
    Dave Smith

  6. That's exciting! I'm happy to hear Jon is going to be taking a more active role in our youth at DC! Woohoo!

    I know I don't live in Liberty....but I DO have an idea (if it applies). I know almost ALL school districts are having to cut programs and funding for supplies and lay off teachers and whatnot because of our economy and the budget. I know that in ES that teachers are asking for "donations" if families can contribute extra supplies like kleenex, pencils, paper, anti-bacterial wipes, etc. to help the school out AND to help families out who have a hard time purchasing school supplies that the Teachers or Schools may require.

    This time of year all those school supplies start to go on sale because school has already started - so things are even cheaper! I'm sure Liberty Schools need extra supplies too. Maybe we can all pitch in as a church family, go buy a few extra school supplies, and put sort them out for different schools in the community as a gift? Maybe even have goody bags for homeschoolers too because I know it's not just the public school families that struggle.'s just an idea! ;)

  7. It was just a couple of weeks ago that I attended a meeting with leaders in the community on poverty and lower income housing. It broke my heart to hear that the average age of a homeless person in Missouri is 7. WOW! The Director of Operation Breakthrough, Sister Berta, spoke on the impact that poverty is having on the next generation. Mothers sleeping at bus stops or in their cars with their children. How sad to think that this is going on in our community, and it is not limited to just downtown. I would love to offer a "mobile" soup kitchen and clothing/coat store that can set up in areas where it is needed the most as well as here in the Northland.
    There are great opportunities to volunteer at Operation Breakthrough as well as Habitat for Humanity.
    Another idea is to have a "DC Block Party." Have several families sponsor a block party and have the teens and other awesome musicians split up and play at these parties. The sponsors can arrange food and inviting neighbors.
    Although this idea is a little cliche, I would love to go to my home church "Trunk or Treat." We go to a couple of these every year. Chili dinner, games, a band, and candy. What could be better?
    I think DC is awesome and I LOVE getting involved with the community! Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help :)

  8. Hey Uncle Michael!
    My mom and I were talking about this and I think we have two ideas for you. First of all, there is a church here in town who found our ministry and simply said they had workers...what could they do. We had them paint the entire inside hallways up and down...and we were SO VERY blessed. Perhaps if you call pregnancy centers or even just walk down a main business district and ask what their needs are.

    The second personal favorite... comes from something I saw on Youtube. If you type in Dance Your Shoes Off you can check it out. This is something a church did in TX. In the middle of the park they worshiped with dance, young and old, for all to see. And at the end they each donated a pair of new shoes. You don't have to do shoes, even canned goods or diapers for single moms or something. Just think it is a unique and fun idea for all ages, and it really gets peoples attention.

  9. The first thing that came to my mind was the homeless people on street corners in liberty asking for help. We have all seen them...Maybe there is a way to partner with hillcrest ministries and get these homeless people a new start on life?

  10. I think of Matthew 25: 35-37 :)

  11. Jon has been awesome and happy to hear he will be doing something that the Lord has always called him to do.

    A month or so back I gave Jon a business card of a church here in Independence that had a big fire and they have had to relocate for the time being, but could use help in putting the church back together. I live in Indep but attend Desperation in Liberty. I think we should look to serve in other areas of the city not just limit ourselves to Liberty. Anyways just a thought.

    I also agree with helping the homeless in the city Downtown KC has a lot of homeless people and even in places like NE KC. I would love to see us get out in those ares. Last weekend I saw a group on the corner of Indep Ave and Benton Blvd. Giving out free hamburgers and prayers. It seemed to draw a big crowd.

    I also believe if we only help ONE person then the Lord's work has been done. I would also love to see some kind of prison ministry where we go in and minister to the forgotten. Even at the half-way houses where people are just getting out into the world again and its easy to get lost if you don't have a good foundation and so many get out and don't have any foundation. We could be a start for them to finding a great foundation in the Lord.

    Just some thoughts.

  12. Totally love DC WOW!!!!! It really can show we mean what we say when we say "LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS"!!! We went to the first several DCWOW's, and were not needed, just tried to find little ways to help. So I apologize for not being at the last several, didn't know that numbers participating had dropped. This could be a reason others have stopped, not that they don't agree with the vision. Bryant and I really like what Dave Smith said about different people having different passions. My passion is anything relating to children of all ages. At the moment, I can't think of a project, but I am going to be thinking on it. I think what God is behind turns out great, (great to God may not always look great to us) so you and Jon will both rock at your new God given ministries!! Also, just because God has called you to do something, doesn't mean he wants you to do it alone, so share your vision, ideas, and work load with us (the body of Christ), I would love to help! I do love the family oriented ones, so Ashlyn can help as well, she really enjoyed it, and it was a great time of teaching her about helping others and not always thinking about ourselves. Okay, so the only thing I have been able to think of while writing this is a mom's day out type thing for the whole community. I know that as a mom having a time of refreshing away from Ashlyn really re-energizes me, and makes me a better mom (same for dads). Single mom's, or homeless families, or parents that don't have friends or family around to take their children for a while would really benefit from this. This is especially helpful for mom's who have babies with colic. This could be a whole family affair. Don't know if this would be workable or not. I know there are homeless people in Liberty, but where do they go to sleep and shower, is there a shelter in Liberty? Something with the homeless would be awesome! Love being a part of this great family of believers!!!

  13. "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he that keeps the law." (Prov. 29:18) 
    A couple of weeks ago, two people quoted the first part of that verse to me as wise counsel during a difficult time. One of them was you. Within a week, God had faithfully fulfilled (even exceeded!) the vision I had prayed for. 
    It's just MHO, but I think your vision for D.C.W.O.W. is awesome and powerfully testifies to, not only your heart for people, but your heart for obedience to the Lord. As you said, Jon has done an incredible job of implementing your vision for this ministry. His spirit of submission to your leadership also clearly displays his heart for obeying and serving the Lord - the kind of man I happily support as a mentor to my own teens! And, having listened to Jon teach the youth on Wed. nights, it's easy to see that is where his passion is, so it's exciting to hear he'll be leading this ministry. David will be missed, though. :-)
    Having said all that, I agree wholeheartedly with Dave. "And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ...from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." (Ephesians 4:11-12, 16) Your sermons do a LOT to equip the DC body every week. Perhaps now it's time for us to start "working properly" and pray for our own visions of how we can best help you implement yours so that DC may have the greatest impact on our community? ;-) The suggestions already made here seem like a great place to start. No matter what, our family will be there, ready for action!

  14. EVERY TRUE servant of Jesus,that is physically capable, is commanded to go out into the local area and or the world and serve those who are in major need of experiencing the love of Jesus,hearing the truth of His gospel and Lord willing that they come to be His! The nexy step is to disciple them!!!!!
    The sad reality is that a major majority of Americanized churches are FAILING to heed Gods command on this topic! Every true servant NEEDS to get a copy of the book RADICAL,by David Platt and read how the Holy Spirit inspired him to look outside the inward focused church box and get out and go to all who are in need of Gods love,healing,truth and free gift of eternal life! The days are short and evil is growing at a very fast pace! Time for saints to get to the harvest and trust Jesus to show them what He wants done and how He wants it to be done! Look up 2 live and live ready!
    All DC family need to praise God and thank Him daily for the awesome gift of Pastor Micahel!
    I wish that my pastor had a passion for serving like Michael's!
    Dwight from CA,once Michaels's brother in law.

  15. Hey Michael. I was just telling Pastor Bil that I was finally ready to get up off my fairly fat @$$ and get back to helping at D.C. I am not sure why we haven't been involved in W.O.W. Lame excuses, I guess. I am not really sending you an idea. I just want to encourage us as a body, by asking God's forgiveness for not doing my/our part.
    BTW, I think the switch for Jon is PERFECTLY IN GOD'S WILL! Makes total sense.

  16. I was in a wedding this weekend and after the ceremony I was talking to their pastor. We got into the conversation of where I went to church and he said "Is that that church that does those weekends of community service?" He thought it was an amazing idea and no better way to show Gods love. This church is out in Buckner so news travels. I agree that there are alot of different passions within our family. I personally love to help young mothers that are struggling, but that is my passion not everyone elses. Whatever we do we will rock it!!!!

  17. Hello! I am new to DC...I am a single Mom who was once in full-time ministry recovering from some very poor choices in my life. I have found DC to be a place of healing for me.
    I think it would be awesome to have a series on discovering your passion. During that series, people in the church could be praying/asking for vision for their lives or just finding out what they are energized by in serving others. Everyone could be writing these things down and then share them with the staff/you. I like what someone said ealier about how powerful it is when those in the body serve/lead from the passion God has placed within them. The vision that God gave you about WOW could be just another way of also helping others within the body find their own purpose/vision for serving others. I hope I have expressed this in a way that makes sense...LOL.
    I know I love to reach people through music. That is my passion. How that looks I am not sure yet...but I am asking for his guidance to show me.
    Thank you for leading is a good place.


What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts?